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Teen Girl (2nd Edition)

Health Relationships Beauty

by Jill Genobaga

Teen Girl, here's a book for you - whether you are just entering your teens or already on the journey.

It gives info on caring for your body and staying healthy, sex, teen pregnancy, boys and unwanted sex.

Teen Girl explains the stages you pass through during this exciting period of your life.

It also looks at negative stuff like drugs, alcohol and suicide, as well as the mind disorders that result from stress and depression.

Finally, it deals with heaps of issues important in your life - family, friends, romance, school, money, beliefs. It's all here, which means you'll have the answers when you need them.



  • Body image: accepting yourself
  • Body coverings: hair, skin, nails
  • The breasts: all about them
  • Reproduction: about how it works
  • Staying healthy: food, exercise, tips


  • Sexual feelings: controlling them
  • Sex: having it/doing it
  • Protection: all the methods
  • STIs: how to treat them
  • Teen pregnancy: the facts
  • Sexual orientation: straight or lesbian?
  • Unwanted sex: ways to cope
  • Boys: the real deal


  • Puberty: seven tasks for you
  • Risky behaviours: actions that harm
  • Mind disorders: how they're treated


  • Family: how to cope
  • Friends: a part of life
  • Romance: the highs and lows
  • School: make the most of it
  • Money: making & managing
  • Beliefs: politics, religion, spirituality
  • Be yourself: surviving life.

Publisher: Signs Publishing

ISBN: 9781921292873

Format: Hardcover

STATUS: AVAILABLE TO ORDER (item is either in stock or quickly/soon obtainable from supplier)

Pages: 319

Reviews and Endorsements

I gave my daughter this book when she was 10 years old. It's really suited for teenagers, but she was an avid reader and puberty began young. So many times I saw her consulting the book in the following years. It's great - chapters are relevant to today's world, topics that Christians often avoid because they're uncomfortable are addressed, excellent layout, can be read according to the interest of the moment. I wish there was a corresponding book for boys.
"This book is a must for teen girls. The author takes a no-nonsense approach to sexuality and development. Parents and professionals should read this book to understand the dizzying world of the modern teen." - Dr John Hammond, educational administrator. Melbourne.
"What every woman wishes her daughter could read, and what every girl wishes her mother know about sex and sexuality." - Dr Percy Harrold, Family Doctor, Sydney.

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