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Miss Brenda's Bedtime Stories #1

More than 25 True Character Building Stories for the Whole Family

by Brenda Walsh

Miss Brenda's Bedtime Stories, Volume 1. Enjoy this collection of delightful stories that you will never forget. You will encounter “Tackle-Tag Disaster,” “Snakes Alive,” and “Trapped in Wildcat Cave” while learning about important things like forgiveness, answered prayer, and the value of honesty and obedience. Some stories will take you halfway around the world, and others will seem as if they could have happened in your own backyard. These true stories, written especially for Miss Brenda by beloved and best-selling authors, and some written by Miss Brenda herself, are sure to be loved and treasured by children, parents, and grandparents. Perfect for reading together before bedtime or anytime - these stories will warm your heart and draw your family closer to Jesus.

Each volume by Miss Brenda, host of 3ABN's Kids' Time, includes more than 25 delightful, true stories to help children learn about forgiveness, answered prayer, honesty, and more. Perfect for family worships, Sabbath School, school worships, or just for fun, these stories will warm your heart and draw your children closer to Jesus!


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Publisher: Pacific Press

ISBN: 9780816324095

Format: Hardcover


Pages: 160

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