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Faith Undone

The emerging church... a new reformation or an end-time deception

by Roger Oakland

Is the emerging church movement just another passing fad, a more contemporary approach to church, or the discontent grumblings of young people looking for answers? In fact, it is much broader and is influencing Christianity to a significant degree. Grounded in a centuries-old mystical approach, this movement is powerful yet highly deceptive, and it draws its energy from practices and experiences that are foreign to biblical Christianity. The path the emerging church is taking is leading right into the arms of an interfaith perspective that has prophetically profound ramifications. It is indeed a new way of being Christians, and in every conceivable manner, it is striving to bring about a new reformation. Without a doubt, it will have an impact on all churches in the Western world and far beyond. For behind this new kind of church is a well-designed strategy and maneuver by the prince of this world, the enemy of our souls, to literally take apart the faith of millions—it will be nothing less than faith undone.

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Publisher: Lighthouse Trails Publishing

ISBN: 9780979131516

Format: Paperback


Pages: 264

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