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Play Today CD #5

Instrumental Backing Worship Music

by Institute of Worship

This CD compliments book number 5 of the ever-popular Play Today music book series. Play Today is an ideal music resource for beginner to intermediate players. The CD can be used to play along with when learning an instrument, and is also suitable to be played as backing music in congregational singing at church and elsewhere.


  1. Cornerstone
  2. Praise the Father, Praise the Son
  3. Lamb of God
  4. Hosanna
  5. Desert Song
  6. Jesus Paid it All
  7. Jesus at the Centre
  8. Be Unto Your Name
  9. All to Us
  10. All the Earth
  11. Faithful
  12. The Power of the Cross
  13. Love Eternally
  14. Chosen
  15. Worthy

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Publisher: Institute of Worship

ISBN: 9780646920634

Format: Music CD

STATUS: AVAILABLE TO ORDER (item is either in stock or quickly/soon obtainable from supplier)

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