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Unleash the Dream

A new generation challenges the church they love

Wake up-everything just changed

Mobile phones and the Internet are just the tip of a wave that has shifted society's values and transformed how we relate to each other. The Adventist Church is in the thick of it. 

Unleash the Dream challenges Adventism to stay relevant in a revolutionary world. A dozen young adults tackle issues that strike at the heart of Adventism. Some give practical advice for reinvigorating our church's mission. Others call for institutional reshaping. All urge us to tune ourselves to the Holy Spirit's rhythm so we can reach a world desperate for good news.

Unleash the Dream will open your eyes to critical issues and situations that beg for change, decisive action, and creative enthusiasm. And it will thrill you to be part of a God-ordained movement of such promise, potential, and power.


  • Introduction
  • The Local Church: Weak Link or Linchpin? - Alex Bryan
  • Revival: Are You In or Out? - Shasta Emerly Burr
  • Freedom: Breaking the Bars - Sarah Coleman
  • Governance: Restoring Confidence - Rene Alexenko Evans
  • Pop Culture: My Angel Goes to Movies - Grenville Kent
  • Conduct: The Way We Treat Each Other - Gary Krause
  • Mentoring: Found at the Flea Market - A. Allen Martin
  • Identity: The Real Peculiar People - Andy Nash
  • Evangelism: How the Rest Was Won - Byard Parks
  • Communication: Get Up! Speak Up! - Celeste Ryan
  • Racial Relations: Truth or Dare? - Loretta Parker Spivey
  • Excellence: Building Cathedrals in the Air - Erik Stenbakken
  • Authors' Biographies

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Publisher: Review and Herald

ISBN: 9780828014267

Format: Paperback

STATUS: AVAILABLE TO ORDER (item is either in stock or quickly/soon obtainable from supplier)

Pages: 144

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