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Authentic (Ward)

Where true life-changing Christianity begins

by Scott R. Ward

If you've ever wanted a genuine, thriving relationship with Jesus but didn't know exactly what to do to make it happen, this book was written for you. Even if going through the motions has left you empty, if reading the Bible and praying are just two extra items on your daily to-do list, if you feel far from God, there is hope. The solution isn't praying longer or reading the entire Bible in a certain amount of time, although praying and reading your Bible are essential to an honest-to-goodness relationship with Jesus. Real relationships involve two-way communication and a connection that inspires actual feelingsùcold, hard facts don't produce love, after all. Within these pages you'll discover how to come heart-to-heart with Jesus in Scripture, what role multisensory symbols have in the devotional experience, and the key elements of a mutually satisfying, lifelong journey with Jesus.

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Publisher: Review and Herald

ISBN: 9780828026321

Format: Paperback

STATUS: AVAILABLE TO ORDER (item is either in stock or quickly/soon obtainable from supplier)

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